Thousands of dollars are spent each year for the Monroe band. Most of the time, the band boosters must generate this money. Some of the expenses the band may incur are: Uniforms, uniform cleaning, food, drill design, music arrangements, band staff, band camp and school instrument repair. Band fees are only a small portion of all the expenses that the band has to pay during the year.
Fundraising Opportunities
Coffee Cart – During football season that boosters operate a cart where spectators at the football game and purchase drinks.
Butterbraids – Annual fundraiser of a delicious local pastry. The fundraiser usually takes place in October, with a delivery in November.
Sounds & Sundaes – Annual ice cream social. The band provides the entertainment and the boosters provide the ice cream! Area businesses donate baskets of products and other goodies to raffle at the end of the night.
Kroger Community Rewards – Kroger is committed to helping our communities & schools grow and prosper and they make fund-raising easy. All you have to do is shop at Kroger and swipe your Plus Card! Go to https://www.kroger.com/communityrewards and link your Kroger Plus Card to the Monroe Band Boosters, Inc. A portion of the sales from all items you purchase using your Kroger Plus Card will be donated on a quarterly basis.